Sunday, March 18, 2012

Day 1

Day 1 is today! We are now in our first cycle of donor IUI. I am so excited and nervous, and way calmer than I was expecting.

It's different this time around. I don't have the desperation I had six years ago when I didn't think we'd ever be parents. We ARE parents now. :) We KNOW that this can work. And if it doesn't, we'll STILL be parents. It is exhilarating to think of our family growing.

I pulled out some baby equipment the other day for a mom's group playdate because some of the other moms have little ones. It was lovely. I forgot how much I liked the look of that baby equipment setting around my house. I imagined using it for our newest family member-to-be and daydreamed for a few moments. I really hope the IUI works.

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