Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The verdict is in...


Well, the blood test results were normal anyhow. There is a small polyp blocking one of my fallopian tubes but my doctor thinks it's small enough to overlook for now. I've just had the last blood draw of the test cycle and now, after my next cycle begins, we are officially 'trying'.  WooHoo! Happy Dance.

It's hard to wrap my brain around. We are actually DOING this. Emotions = excited, apprehensive, impatient, scared, focused, distract-able, and amused. Amused by my inability to decide on an emotion.

The day that I begin my next cycle (should be within 4-8 days) I fill my prescriptions, order the donor sperm and arrange the liquid nitrogen shipment to the fertility clinic. I will also schedule the ultrasound to be done before insemination. The ultrasound will determine the thickness of my uterine lining (thick is good!) and the number of mature follicles (eggs) ready for ovulation. (When our daughter was conceived I had 5 good follicles!) Then, 12 to 48 hours after the ultrasound, I will inject myself with Ovidrel, a stimulant for my ovaries to release their follicles. Another 24 hours later, around day 13 of cycle, I will walk out of the fertility clinic, and my first IUI attempt, hopefully pregnant. A blood test on day 26 will determine if the IUI worked. If it doesn't take, we start the process again at the beginning of my following cycle. My doctor has given me the next three months to get pregnant before he suggests other medications.  I better get crackin'.

I have a handy chart to keep track of all the details. It looks something like this:

The chart helps keep me organized and able to plan for appointments.

Adjourned. :)

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